Sloan Law Firm has been working in the area of foreclosure defense since 2009, shortly after the “meltdown” of 2008. Clients have been having trouble negotiating modifications or short sales with lenders and need to "buy" time to work one out. Make no mistake - while a lender is "being nice to you" and trying to negotiate a modification or short sale with you, they are telling their lawyers to go as fast as they can to take your house. A person in foreclosure needs a lawyer to slow the foreclosure down while you work out a modification or short sale or ponder bankruptcy, a new practice area of Sloan Law Firm.
Sloan Law Firm thoroughly understands the Rules of Civil Procedure to slow a foreclosure down in the interest of the client to avoid foreclosure. We make the lender prove their case in Court and review your case for defenses against the foreclosure or even file counterclaim(s) against the lender. We are staying on the cutting edge of defenses and counterclaims against lenders with case law.
If your foreclosure case is against your primary residence, you have rights against your lender via the Administrative Order Re: Mortgage Foreclosure Actions promulgated by Chief Justice Jean Toal on May 2, 2011. This Order requires lender to try to work things out with you before they foreclose on you. We know what the lenders want to consider you for a modification or some other resolution to the case. We help you walk through the process to attempt a modification or some other resolution to affordably keep you in your house. We also see if you are eligible for state funds to assist with the arrears on your mortgage. It is important for you to understand that there are artificial deadlines you must beat when a foreclosure starts. If you do not respond timely, you will lose by default and lose the chance to assert your defenses or work out a modification.
Sloan Law Firm understands that money is tight and you want value for the dollars you pay us to handle the case. We show you the value of the fee you are paying. We give you four different options to pay us which fits with your budget which we explain at the initial consultation.
Sloan Law Firm has resources that other law firms in the state may not have. We are affiliated with, a nationwide network of foreclosure defense attorneys led by Jeff Barnes, Esq., out of the Florida. Mr. Barnes has been a wonderful source of information to Mr. Sloan about the new tweaks in foreclosure law. Also, Mr. Barnes could be admitted pro hac vice to your case to defend it with Mr. Sloan. Mr. Sloan is also affiliated with a forensic securitization auditor. This gentleman checks the chain of title to see if the party suing you is the real party in interest and if they actually own your Note and have the standing to bring a foreclosure action against you.
Click Here for the Foreclosure Questionnaire.
Sloan Law Firm does not only work in the Summerville-Tri County area. We handle cases in the entire state. Don’t go it alone. Pick up the phone and call Bill Sloan.